Trinity Resources


Below are the resources that were mentioned in the sermon on January 4th & 5th, 2025. We hope that these resources help you in your understadning of the Trinity.

Baptist Faith and Message, 2000

The Baptist Faith and Message serves as an extensive doctrical statement for the Southern Baptist Convention, which Calvary is affiliated with. The document has extensive scripture references that you can use for further reading and learning.

Click here to read: Baptist Faith and Message

Desiring God

Founded by pastor John Piper, Desiring God has grown to be a rich resource of blogs, videos, and teaching articles from a large variety of highly regarded pastors and theologians. While not every article has been vetted by Calvary, in general this site is regarded as a trusted resource.

Click here for Trinity resources: Desiring God Trinity Topic

Trinity Satire Video

The video below is one that our staff found many years ago and have used to humoursly explain the challenges of using analogies to explain the trinity. It serves as a surprisingly good explanation of the do’ and don’ts of explaining the trinity.