High School Students: Hawaii Mission Trip

Hawaii Mission Trip Web.png

The High School ministry of Calvary will be hosting a student mission trip to Hawaii this summer. We will be hosting a vacation bible school, and working with a church to assist with local outreach efforts. This trip is for students in high school or entering high school in 2019.  

Why Hawaii?

Mission trips exist to help take the good news about Jesus to new areas. Calvary seeks to do this through on-site church partnerships and through strategic serving opportunities.

While Hawaii is known for its scenery and majesty as a vacation spot, the truth is that Christianity represents a very small percentage of the population. The area we will be working in is a low income communityand an area that is very underreached with the good news of Jesus.

This trip will allow Calvary to support a church that is doing very good work in reaching the island by helping them reach a new area of the island.  


The trip will be July 12-23rd, 2019.


Se will be staying and working on the big island of Hawaii. Time will be scheduled to see the local sights and enjoy the Hawaiian beaches. 


The cost of the trip is estimated to be $1250 per person. This includes flights, food, lodging, and on-ground transportation. Final flight costs may bring this price up or down slightly.


If you have questions, please contact Robert Smith at 928-855-6533 or at Robert@calvarylhc.com

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