Holy Land Trip

Holy Land Trip 2022

Join me and journey through the Land of the Bible. We’ll laugh, cry, and make friendships for life, as we walk in the footsteps of Jesus. We sail on the Sea of Galilee where Jesus asked them to cast their nets, where He healed the blind man, where our Lord wept at the Garden of Gethsemane …..and so much more. There is limited space available! This is a wonderful gift to your sons and daughters and grandchildren. Pastor Chad will lead in conjunction with Friendship Tours as the Bible comes alive before your very eyes. This will be a trip of a lifetime!


The trip will be October 24th - November 4, 2022.


The cost for the trip starts at $5065 and includes airfare, hotels, full buffet breakfasts and dinners daily, ground transportation, and a local guide.


The trip will visit Jerusalem, Petra, Bethlehem, the Dead Sea, the Sea of Galilee, and many other biblical locations. For a full list of locations and a rough itinerary please view the trip brochure and registration form below. 


For more details or for questions, please contact  the church at (928) 855-6533 or at office@calvarylhc.com


The trip brochure and registration forms are accessible here: Trip Documents Please fill out and turn into the church office to be included in the trip.

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